About Us

Now in Our Eighth Decade of Making Money and Having Fun!

We are an investment club partnership, founded in 1953 by alumni of the first five classes of the University of Chicago’s Executive MBA Program (XP).  Membership was initially limited to XP graduates, but since 2016, Plymouth Court has welcomed graduates of all Chicago Booth MBA programs, as well as Booth faculty.  Plymouth Court Associates has a long history of successful investment results and has repeatedly outperformed the S&P 500. Today, there are about 30 members in the club.

Our mission is to provide opportunities for Booth alumni to apply their research and analytical skills to investing, have new learning experiences, enjoy the company of other Booth alumni, and maintain an active association with Chicago Booth.

Our History:

In 1953, a group of Executive MBA alumni of the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business sought ways to maintain active ties with the school and other alumni and provide ongoing educational experiences.  On June 11, 1953, a limited partnership was proposed for the purpose of “the mutual investment of funds and the mutual education of partners in matters pertaining to investment and all related enterprises.”  An organizational meeting was held on July 9 for all those who had expressed an interest by offering an initial investment of $100.  The idea was enthusiastically accepted, and Plymouth Court Associates was formed, taking its name from a South Loop location where the early meetings took place.

Plymouth Court Associates’ first official meeting took place on September 16, 1953 and regular bi-monthly dinner meetings were established for the third Wednesday of odd numbered months.  This tradition remains in effect today.  Over the years, meetings have taken place at various locations, mostly in or near the Chicago Loop.

Today, Plymouth Court Associates is distinguished as one of the oldest investment clubs in the United States.